Among the TCM medical doctors and user circles, porcupine bezoars have in the recent times been increasing in usage and widespread adoption around the Asia region. Porcupine bezoar Indonesia. Previous research has suggested that bezoars only grow in an incidentally small portion of the porcupine population, so the total number of animals killed to accumulate that quantity for sale could conceivably have been in the tens of thousands. Controls and reduces the disease. The Porcupine Bezoars/Powder - 豪豬棗/散. See How Our Customers Have Been Using Porcupine Dates To Regain their Vitality And Live a Healthy Live, With Genuine Porcupine Dates, You Are Able to Strengthen the Precise Balance between Body and Mind. Porcupine bezoars A bezoar is a lump of hardened, undigested material found in the gastrointestinal tracts of porcupines and other animals such as antelope, goats and oxen. Traditionally, since the early documented history of Chinese classical TCM medicine practice, porcupine dates have been used as a medicine to treating a whole host of critical ailments and diseases. It isn’t elixir vitae that healed patients suffering from terminal illness but a cure that could heal all kinds of diseases. It was reported as universal medicine in ancient time. Such medical porcupine dates are relatively priced among Traditional Chinese Medical (TCM) practitioner as on average only 2 to 3% of the mature porcupine population have the bezoar dates. Whatsup +6281360101010 Wechat : dunny792. Hedgehogs usually hibernate during the winter period and are notoriously referred to as “Melon Thief” by residents in Sunan. As the healing progress, the bile stone may gradually form in the stomach region. 欲知詳情請撥電于 NEILSON LEE | Hp No. In some miraculous scenarios, it has also been known for preserving the lives of hospital patients who are literally on the verge of dying. 0000279419 00000 n 0000003461 00000 n There are 3 types of porcupine dates, namely, 1. In Malaysia, a gramme of porcupine bezoar costs about RM 700 (US$/RM exchange rate is 1=3.9). This natural miracle remedy has traditionally been used heavily to remedy serious ailments such as Cancer illness, Diabetic infection, Dengue infection and a comprehensive range of other sickness. During the 1996-1997 school year, during one of Harry's sixth year N.E.W.T. I personally experienced this unique and helpful porcupine date in treating my Dad, his brain damaged to critical brain dead condition, it is a way for his terminally ill to at least has the last chances of back to life . IC50 determination The viability of the A549 was determined using MTT assay, A porcupine bezoar is a dense organic mass of ingested medicinal grass and herbs trapped in an mammal’s internal digestive organs. Nowadays, the “blooded” is not common. As our pace of lifestyle in modern city life has become more and more stressful and demand more from our body, we have in the recent years observed a steady increase in Singaporeans focus on traditional TCM healthcare. [Porcupine Date/ Porcupine Bezoar/Porcupine Stone] Thursday, 5 July 2012. This bezoar has been a myth to the locals. A porcupine bezoar stone is a mass of food found in the stomach believed to treat diabetes, hepatitis, and dengue fever. Different variants of porcupines have different unique shapes of spines attached to its skin. Fully grown Hedgehogs have 36 to 44 sharp tooth which forms a complete set of teeth and prey on a range of wild insects. Porcupine dates are also great for working adults who are working late night shifts or suffering from work-related stressors (alcohol, smoking), which can result in irregular sleep patterns. Several testimonial incidences from our loyal clients have time and again proven without a doubt that as one amazing advantages of porcupine bezoar as a reliable alternative to expensive western remedy. Really? In its raw form, it normally has a reddish-brown or brown in color hue. Original from wild porcupine Intersted??? A date covered by hardened fruit shells. The longer a porcupine date accumulates aged in the body organs of the porcupine, the greater the volume of the porcupine date. For relieving wind, Heartburn caused by gastric reflux and other gastric-related ailments. Generally, Grass bezoar dates have a taste that is similar to grass. Genuine Porcupine Dates ( is Singapore's Leading asian medicinal herb provider. Recent Post by Page. We will do our best to resolve them quickly. Trade Porcupine Bezoar +6285372719222, Batam, Riau, Indonesia. As we as a society becomes more affluent and educated, people’s increasingly recognizing the importance of good health for longevity and long-term quality of life. Pharmacobezoars are crystallized mass of medicinal compounds. Porcupine Bezoar is a type of stone-like organic substance found in … It tastes ranges from bitter to bittersweet and can be ground into powdered form. Corresponding the denser composition of beneficial nutrients accumulated as a result will improve the Porcupine date medical potency, efficacy and quality. 2. Because of this trend of rising popularity, premium quality porcupine dates has overtime evolved to become a very sought after TCM medicine. US $90.00-$140.00 / Kilogram. Dissolve the powder in the mouth directly or dissolve it in a table spoon with water. 220 likes. In this day and age, through the recent advancement of medical research, scientist as well as medical doctors themselves have proven that the porcupine bezoar is medicinally valuable and extremely effective in treatment and facilitating healing of a comprehensive range of illness such as. Our friendly customer service staff will get back to you as soon as we can. 111 likes. One of the traditional folk medicine in the Malaysia is using porcupine bezoar. The various types of Porcupine dates can be largely categorized into, Trichobezoars are semi-digested natural hair fibres, Phytobezoars are organic fibers originating from wild plant parts such as roots, fruits, and vegetable. Porcupines favorite food are wild plants and largely feed on wild herbs, tubers and berries. :) Overview Hemorrhoids are enlarged veins located in the lower part of the rectum and the anus. Porcupine bezoar is usually roundish in shape with colour between pale or purplish, and green and white. This type of natural habitat which the porcupine calls home corresponding results in porcupine dates which have better quality of active medicinal compounds present. The hedgehog is completely covered with short, thick spikes on its back body surface. Ground-based porcupine – Those are porcupine that only inhabit and eat on the ground level. This quick miracle cure is also perceived to cure cancer, epilepsy, and typhoid.This preternatural or morbid concretions formed in the bodies of porcupines are composed of several layers that look like an onion. The end of each quill has a small barb that snags the flesh, keeping the quill stuck in the enemy’s skin. Avoid exposure to direct sunlight rays, humid environments or storage in the fridge. Only the porcupine in the deep mountains and forests produced porcupine bezoar. The chemical composition and Medicinal efficacy of the porcupine date is dependent on a number of factors such as. As a precautionary check, all wild porcupines hunted are rigorously checked for the presence of the porcupine dates before extraction. A pseudobezoar is an indigestible object introduced intentionally into the digestive system.. The Porcupine bezoar powder is best administrated on an empty stomach before meals. Lung inflammation, physical pain, High Fever, Lymphoma, skin diseases (such as acne, Herpes Complex), fumor, hardening of coronary vessels). this type of porcupine date has a coarser surface when compared to the other two types. One of the traditional folk medicine in the Malaysia is using porcupine bezoar. Porcupine Bezoar is a type of stone-like organic substance found in a porcupine’s body. In this age, through the advancement of medicine, researches have proven that the porcupine bezoar is … Porcupine dates maybe an expensive Chinese medicine, yet to find out more and discover more about its medicinal value. Can relieve heatiness and clear toxins quickly. According to the Chinese an classical medical TCM literature , the various porcupine body parts such as belly, meat, and glitch are highly valued for its curative properties as it is very effective in its use for treatment of various critical ailments/illness such as. Porcupines belong to the herbivorous category of warm-blooded animals living in the rainforest with a characteristic cover of sharp spines, or quills. pain, infection, nausea, drowsiness, vomiting), Cancer tumor or cancer prevention in general. Results may vary. 2. It has a smooth surface and it is much harder when compared to other types of porcupine dates. However, porcupine bezoar does not exist inside every procupine, even if it does exist, there will only be one piece. Genuine Porcupine bezoar is a medically potent and rare animal gall stone that is commonly found in the stomach region of a porcupine. Porcupine date is a rare "stone" that found in the stomach of a porcupine. 0000236157 00000 n Porcupines across Southeast Asia are at risk of becoming endangered due to a misguided belief that undigested plant material found in their stomachs can cure cancer, diabetes, and dengue fever. There are several varieties of bezoar, some of which have inorganic constituents and others organic.The term has both a modern (medical, scientific) and a traditional usage. Porcupine bezoar dates have a broad range of beneficial medicinal properties such as, 3. For instance, to cure bulging disease, the usage often involves first carefully boiling away and grounding the organic residue residing the porcupine stomach to a fine powder. The porcupine phytobezoar (lapis histricinus or lapis Malaccensis) is found in the gall bladder of mainly the Malayan porcupine or Himalayan porcupine (Hystrix brachyura). Its other body parts derived from the porcupine such as the meat, stomach, liver, gallbladder, quill, and fat of a porcupine is also be prescribed as a natural cure for a wide range of illnesses due to its medicinal benefits and naturally nutrient-dense composition. Each porcupine bezoar looks different. It is believed by some that the porcupine bezoar stone can be used to cure cancer, diabetes, dengue, typhoid, epilepsy, hepatitis and many more. It is of the best quality among all types and hence it is the most expensive type of porcupine dates. Our organization work closely with guidelines spelled published by animal welfare organization such as WWF, and Traffic Southeast Asia to make sure that our retrieval and trade procurement methods help to protect the fertile replacement rate of the adult porcupine population. For relieving wind, heartburn, gastric and other diseases. Int J Colorectal Dis. Controls and reduces the disease. Over a long period, as the adult porcupine age and a period of incubation, a, Let us just to share with you, such top-grade red blood, 2. Porcupine bezoars A bezoar is a lump of hardened, undigested material found in the gastrointestinal tracts of porcupines and other animals such as antelope, goats and oxen. The anti-inflammatory. It has the coarsest matt surface amongst the three categories of porcupine bezoar dates, where it has some residual grass-like organic herbal substances structures fibers still slightly visible surrounding it. I understand that this porcupine bezoar can also be very effective to the following : Pre & post surgery , cancer, dengue fever, Liver disease, infection-related disease, skin diseases, acne, tumor, hardening of coronary vessels. The quills of a porcupine are dangerously sharp, shed easily, and can inflict wounds to enemies. About product and suppliers: 1,618 artificial bezoar products are offered for sale by suppliers on A wide variety of artificial bezoar options are available to you, There are 23 suppliers who sells artificial bezoar on, mainly located in Asia. Because of the significantly longer formation period, it has the highest curative value and is medically the most powerful of all porcupine bezoar. Contact Us To Discuss Your Healthcare Needs, Physique, strength, the genetic structure of each porcupine variant, The environmental habitat of medicinal herbs that the porcupine used for consumption, Time Duration during which the porcupine bezoar is aged in the porcupine’s body, Transnational traveling with long hours which is disruptive to the biological clock, Students undergoing important examinations, Working adults facing work-related stress such as Hangover due to late working hours, exposure to smoke, and excessive drinking of alcohol. This is due to the porcupine’s inborn ability to find wild herbal roots and plants in the tropical habitat. A lifetime of grasses, herbs, bark and other vegetation can leave little bits of indigestible matter behind in a porcupine’s digestive tract, where they occasionally congeal into a hard ball called a bezoar. The porcupine dates is essentially an animal's gastrointestinal tract stone, and its medicinal value should be similar to that of monkey dates, cow bezoars, horse bezoars and other traditional Chinese medicines. Ingestion of porcupine bezoar powder can help to increase body immune system and boost the body blood platelet levels within a relatively fast period of recuperation time. or. Detoxifying – helps the body to cleanse against harmful toxins, From a biological point of perspective, porcupine dates have a a. This fine powder is then ingested together with a lukewarm medicinal wine medium on an empty stomach. These spines serve as at protection mechanism to guard themselves against hungry predators or attacks. Interestingly they have a liking for bitter-tasting herbal plant parts, as well often after other wild medicinal roots and stems found in the tropical jungle. Unsurprisingly, the word ‘Bezoar’ literally translates means ‘antidote’ in Persian dictionary. Bezoar stones are ground into a powder and included in traditional Chinese medicines for what is believed to be their curative properties. It is helpful in boosting blood cleansing, overall blood circulation, healing of body muscle tissue, and relieving of muscular pain. For a very long period of time, the highly magnificent medical effect of porcupine bezoars has time and again been tried and tested by the locals indigenous people in curing many kinds of serious critical ailments and diseases, particularly terminal diseases, such as cancerous tumor growth. It is Extracted from fully matured alpha adult porcupines, these porcupine dates have been stored in the porcupine’s body internal digestive organs for a significantly longer period of time. Regardless of the different medicinal level of the different types of Porcupine date, there are some unique characteristics of Porcupine dates which anyone can easily examine to assess its authenticity and grade level. The selling price of the porcupine bezoar in Malaysia market is around RM300–RM1000 for 500 mg. Porcupine Bezoar/Facebook. However, do note that in actuality the presence of porcupine bezoar dates is relatively rare and usually does not form inside every porcupine. Yes, eating the (real) porcupine dates can help our body to fight and cure a lot of illness. It was reported as universal medicine in ancient time. Porcupine is a mammalian that live in forests. Epitome of Nature's Answer to Overall Wellness, , since the early beginnings, porcupine date had been, used by physicians as a natural medicine by indigenous tribes in the Southern China and South-East Asian region, Olden TCM medical literature, such as as《本草纲目》, 《陆川本草》 and《食疗本草》 had recorded the various prescription and usage of porcupine date Bezoar, as a natural form of anti-inflammatory, antioxidant as a form of immunization booster, as well and medicine for body-detoxification, , with extensive medical advancement and research verification, the usage of porcupine date, effective and well- known in Chinese TCM society in South-East Asia, used by the Chinese Malaysian as an alternative medical remedy in the treatment of various critical ailments such as cancer, dengue fever, meningitis, herpes, throat inflammation, pneumonia, and many others, According to the early traditional TCM medicinal records of the pharmacy passed down from our ancestors, local communities have, used medicinal porcupine date powder as a mainstream form of remedy for curing various critical diseases, such as blood, Now, with advances in medicine, the study also confirmed the date porcupine is a certain medical efficacy and value, . 46 likes. Forgot account? * I speak from my own experience. It is said that when a porcupine is wounded or sick, it will look for herbs to heal itself. Facebook is showing information to help you better understand the purpose of a Page. It’s external appearance is normally brown, greenish-brown to Pink in color tone. Porcupines which is also commonly by the local Malay as Landak have sharp needle-like quills on its body as defensive weapon barrier and are often seen in brown, grey, and white skin color. Porcupines have a strong self-healing ability which gives them the capability to recover quickly from physical injuries and illness. It has a coat of sharp spines that defend them from predators. Porcupine body parts are relatively rich in quality protein, low in fat, and rich in many other beneficial nutrients. Porcupine bezoar Indonesia. It is a herbivore. Porcupine bezoar is a stone-like substance found in a porcupine's stomach. Screen grab July 24, 2020. Later I found out that bezoar is a mass of food, usually from consuming grass and herbs, found trapped in an animal’s stomach system and is historically used in Chinese traditional medicine. It has been confirmed in clinical trials that porcupine dates can, in fact, heal terminal illnesses and save lives. A wide variety of porcupine bezoar options are available to you, There are 21 suppliers who sells porcupine bezoar on, mainly located in Asia. Due to the scarcity and high market value of porcupine dates, in addition, apart from medicinal value and it also has a collection and stockpiling value. Our friendly customer service staff will get back to you as soon as we can. Initially, the dried grassy porcupine bezoar (PB) (1.09 g) and (8.65 g) were crushed into powdered form using mortar and pestle. Porcupine Bezoar is believed to have medicinal value is very high to the extent that it is called the king of herbs. Along with our naturally sourced wild porcupine dates bezoars, we offer a complete healthcare journey to your health with holistic and unique rituals guranteed to help you achieve the perfect balance between body and mind. Blood Bezoar is a Perfectly composited Porcupine dates have the highest quality in terms of curative value and of course command a higher market price. Porcupine’s hind are covered with special stiff needle-like quills which functions as an proactive defensive mechanism to pierce and drive potential predators away. Ancient book of Chinese medicine have been recorded, porcupine bezoar has benefits such as, 1. Porcupine also generally have a strong life force and vitality that allows it to recover and heal itself quickly from a broad variety of illnesses . Porcupine Bezoar stone is a type of globular stone-like mass occasionally Produced in a porcupine’s internal body. Can speedily reduce the heat and clears the virus. These spiky quills which are in fact their hair, are controlled by their back muscles has the functionality to control its angle to either lay horizontally down during typical conditions or pointed vertically straight up, perhaps when provoked by a predator. This can be attributed to its typical herbaceous diet, which usually consist of bitter-tasting herbal plant roots, leaves and berries found in their wild environment. Really? Some of the notable types of Porcupine includes; The porcupine is priced not just for its porcupine dates. Because of its efficacy and effective curative results for a wide range of ailments, many people keep Porcupine date powder on storage in their house for emergency use. Externally, it is harder than Grass Bezoar but softer than Blood Bezoar. The working solution was prepared by diluting the stock solution with complete growth media (CGM) immediate before used. Porcupine Bezoar Medicinal Values According to Chinese medicine records, in tradition, Porcupine Bezoar had been used as medicine by hill tribes in … The “powdery” and the “grassy” types are as good. Cold, Viral fever, General Headache, relieving wind, gastric heartburn). Posted by My Cancer Journey at 22:58. For Critical physical injuries or medical ailments, we recommend consuming it Trice times a day. Help strengthens the immune system for speedy recovery. Those are similar to pin needles and extremely sharp. Please fill out the form below. Used in traditional Chinese medicine suitable for practically any kinds of cancer if you pregnant! Where the porcupines are found you Shortly ini di dapatkan di perkebunan warga atau dekat kebun... Bhd supplies porcupine dates pus and manifestation of infection because this medicine has a high reputation value. Waste materials, and sipping some water or beverages during the consumption highly! 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